The name of Initial has been synonymous with packaging for nigh on thirty years. Our business ethos is very simple it's all about the customer.
We Do – Listen. As an old friend once said, "we are all born with two ears and one mouth and so we should use them in that ratio".
We DON'T Do - sit as a so called expert or representative spouting off about how great we are and being completely oblivious to your requirements or needs.
We Do - Help and assist wherever we can. It's not always about an order. If we can't help we will try to find or recommend someone that can.
We DON'T Do – "Sorry, we can't help you".
We Do – Provide Proactive and innovative ideas. If we are chosen to be a supplier then we constantly update our customers as to the latest materials and ideas to help them make valued decisions for the benefit of their respective businesses.
We DON'T Do - Keep the customer in the dark because this is all we can make and if he knows about the new ideas and materials he will go elsewhere.
We Do - Offer real value for money.
If you would like to know about Initial then please give us a call or send us a email.
We want to work with you to make sure you get EXACTLY what you want. If you need a bit more personalisation on your product or demand something a little different to what is online. We are happy to listen to your needs and work with you to ensure you get the ideal packaging solution.